Micky Bubble!

Yesterday I had taken a sick day from work as I had a thumping headache, and spent the day watching the devastating coverage on the NZ earth quake and cleaning the house.
I threw out 3 bags full of clothes and shoes, and have 50 items to attempt to sell on eBay.
My wardrobe is certainly not so full any more.
S got home around 6 and made us a delish dinner of grilled fish, veggies and brown rice. We were relaxing watching TV - Our fave night of TV - The Office, Nurse Jackie & Californication all in a row when he had a few calls from his boss, but missed them.
He eventually rang him back, and I could hear S saying "No, No, we don't want them" and I was wondering what he was talking about when he said to me "Do you know anyone that wants free Michael Buble tickets for tonight??" I screamed 'MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I want them!!!!" and his boss was out the front of our apartment 10 minutes later, with us jumping in his car and heading to the concert.
With only 10 minutes to get ready, I did not even have time to put my face on!

Full house.
There was a group of about 7 ladies sitting behind us, and all they did was bitch and moan the whole time about how crap the seats are, how they did not want to come in the first place blah blah blah whinge whinge whinge. I threw them more than my fair share of withering looks.
The supporting act were 'Naturally Seven' and if you have not heard of them, YouTube them.
They are amazing - they do not use any instruments, all the sounds you will hear are from their amazing vocals.
As soon as we saw people with glowing Daiquiri glasses, I had to have one.

I am kind of obsessed with the glass actually.

Oh Michael Buble.
You sexy, sexy, SEXY beast.

He is beyond amazing.

He is a fantastic entertainer and very, very funny.
He made quite a few sexual comments, and I felt for the Mum with her young daughter infront of us. Awkward.

I was disapointed that he did not sing 'Sway', although he did an amazing Michael Jackson number.
S: "He is not even good looking and the girls go wild"
Me: "It's not about the looks, it's that voice. I would like a Michael Buble sandwhich"
S *Dirty Look*

Trying to show my Oprah necklace, but a blurry pic does not help.

Wondering what I look like after spending all day at home with a headache and cleaning?
Wonder no more.
What I Wore:
Lee Jeans
ASOS top
Peeptoe Heels
Oprah Necklace
To end the night we stopped at Pie Face on Exhibition St and shared an Apple Crumble.

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