Wedding Hair.

I have my hair and make up trial on Saturday and am really struggling regarding how I want my hair to be.
I actually want it exactly like the bun in the next 3 photos, but as we are having an orthodox ceremony they will be placing a large crown on my head and I am worried it will not be able to fit!!

Photos have been liften from Kristen Cook
Another thing holding me back is my baby hair. It always looks so stupid and visible when I have my hair pulled back.

I could go for the low big bun?
Another big high bun, without the coil detailing.

Giuliana Rancic rocks a high bun.

Or do I attempt to do something softer like this, and worry that my hair will go limp or messy?

Love this side profile.

I just don't know what to do. Surely the crown will stay on my head even if I have a big bun?
Imagine the horror if it fell off.
At least I know how I want my make up!!
I don't think I mentioned this previously, but I have made some slightly big changes to my wedding dress.. you will have to wait 187 Days to see it though!!
Please give me your opinion on hair styles!!

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