Random Stuff

And so begins the post about random stuff that does not deserve an individual post, mainly because I can't be frigged.

You can thank me later.

Check out the dress that my Mum is getting for our wedding! Reow. She will have straps and a shawl though. It looks fantastic on her.

Greg tried to capture the sunset behind me, but it really was not working for us.

I am wearing my Nana's red dress, and my Zu boots which are 6 years old and going strong.

The said sunset.

Does anyone else have bucket full of money sitting on their microwave? I took it upon my self to count it last week and discovered $83!! Bam. Straight to the cas' I go.

My Aspect products arrived, Loving them so far.

Last night I went out to dinner with ze bloggers, Blithely Unaware, Cotton Socks, Holly Pop

A real bunch of mis-fits some might say.

I kid, I kid.

We went to Carlisle St Wine Bar, and I had no idea where it was. Whilst in the cab on the way there, my cab driver was picking his nose, inspecting it and then wiping it on his shirt. I had to try so hard to swallow the vom that had worked it's way up my throat and into my gob.

He then tried to dump me on Acland St, telling me I was there. I was so confused. His GPS was wrong, so I ended up having to use my iPhone to direct us, and still had to pay for him being lost. Ergh.

I had the spinach and ricotta gnocchi, but I must say, I didn't really like it. It was dull and gluggy.

Fritelle (Doughnuts)

Cheese and stuff.

Holly and I

I'm so glad I met you girls, you are all so sweet and clearly hilarious.

I had my nails Shellac'd at Miss Fox this morning, and used the colour 'Romantique' which I love and is perfect for our wedding.

I think that it is in between OPI Sweetheart & Bubble bath, which are both my faves.

I love the salon, can't wait to have our hair and make up done there for the wedding.

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding. This shizz is taking over my life.


You can't see it, but on my ring finger nail there is some slight bubbling. I didn't notice until I left the salon though.

Shellac polishes are quite glossy I think, but not any more so than my usual OPI with a top coat.

If they really do last 2+ weeks without chipping, I will be a regular.

I also bought this little CND Essentials Solar Oil Nail & Cuticle Conditioner ($8) which feels quite nice on.

I am currently staring at the back of my brother Greg's neck, and all I want to do is pick his black heads. It is an all time fave hobby of mine. There is your interesting (and I use the word loosely) fact of the day.

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