Kelly Brook - the best celebrity bikini body

 Kelly Brook's hour-glass figure was voted top by both men and women

Kelly Brook was born 23 November 1979 in Rochester, Kent, England. Kelly Brook is an English model, actress, entrepreneur, television presenter and Playboy model.
Kelly Brook is one of England's best-known models, who is regularly included in the Top 10 of most men's magazines' "Sexiest Women" polls. She even ranked No. 33 on AskMen's Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2007 and No. 34 in 2008, and she's nominated yet again for 2010.

The 31-year-old actress and model's hour-glass figure was applauded by both men and women, with both sexes agreeing she had topped a poll for the best celebrity bikini body.

 Kelly Brook has best bikini body
 Kelly Brook Bikini Celebrities
 Kelly Brook's Sexy Bikini Photo Shoot
 Kelly Brook Bikini Pictures


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