Ze Weekend

Over the weekend I babysat Ashleigh-Rose, which turned out to be freaking exhausting.

We also went to the auction if that apartment I mentioned, but S did not love it (he had not seen it previously) so we did not buy it. Oh well, I am sure the right one will come along.

On Saturday I took Ash-Rose shoe shopping, on a mission to find shoes that matched her flower girl dress. What a disaster.

After seeing some silver Guess High Tops (think converse chucks) she was not prepared to try anything else on. Needless to say I did not buy them from her. Plus, they were not even in her size.

She threw a tantrum in Zara because she wanted the leopard print shoes (above) and I said the pink ballerina flats (below) match perfectly.

I even had a random mum helping me out, trying to convince her.

In the end, I got desperate and bought both pairs just so we could get out of there.

I know that I should not let her win, but sometimes it is easier.

On Sunday we had to go to her Tennis training, and her mum had told me to get off the train, and Ash-Rose would know exactly where to go. We get off the train, and she tells me she has no idea, and why should she considering she is always driven.

Long story short, we went to the wrong tennis club, someone drove us to the right tennis club, she missed her lesson but was allowed to join a more advanced group instead.

After her lesson we practiced, and she thinks I am pretty good haha. Anything would impress her.

After that, we had a mission on our hands to find the train station. It took us 35 minutes of walking in the sun (at least I am responsible and doused her with sunscreen before leaving), numerous rest stops, lot's of complaining by her whilst I tried to remain upbeat, but we finally found Darebin Station. Then the train whizzed straight past us and I thought there would be more tears. We did not talk to each other the whole trip home.

I did manage to cheer her up with this sand which from Schnitz though, even after she proclaimed "I HATE THIS SORT OF CHICKEN" before even trying it. As the staff had specially made this schnitzel for her, without any egg, I told her I didn't care and she would freaking eat it.

After 3 mouthfuls she announced that she loved it.

How gross are these potato smiles.

Stuff that I feed her.

After the tennis mission, we took my turtles, Ned & Alby, to the park near Parliament Station and allowed them to roam on the grass and sun bake, they loved life.

I let Ash-Rose take off her shoes and socks and play in the fountain, as all kids should experience this, and she had never been allowed to. She had a blast.

I've also been shopping.

I got this gorgeous Winter Kate silk chiffon dress, which randomly zips up the front of the dress.

It is backless.

Don't mind the wrinkles. My permanent ironer/steamer was not home.

These Gypsy 05 dresses were heavily discounted, just the way I like them.

I think that they will be prefect for Fiji.

I don't have much more to report on, but today we started our fasting period. Oh joy.

Does anyone schedule their posts to show up at a certain time, or just when you write them you post them?

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