Selena Gomez's leggings untenrum reveals too much!

Inside each infected adults but probably still a child! So also with Selena Gomez (19), without her Justin (17), but instead spent the day relaxing with their parents in a zoo in Los Angeles. Far away from the big stages around the world, Selena revealed that she still a teenager is that like with his family together and just leading a normal life.

Nevertheless, the singer is also in their spare time constantly under attack and so you were on this trip again on the heels of countless paparazzi!

And the photos of these disclosed Spicy ! Selena, who presented quite casually in leggings and baggy T-shirt revealed with this outfit but more than intended!Because at times her top did not come loose on the comfortable-fitting pants, so anything to hide important, but slipped concern far above !

While her belly was covered, but that the photographers had a clear view of Selena's bottom. Here showed clearly that their leggings were a bit torn up too far and thus the outline of her sanctuary were clearly visible.

This gaffe, which is the English way, known as Camel Toe, the happy Selena, however, seemed to not notice, because they made no attempt to cover her butt and everything else with the long T-shirt. She looked rather go to the giraffes and chimpanzees, and even enjoyed the way her delicious popcorn.

Nevertheless, Selena was perhaps better in the future pay attention to what they combined to skin-tight leggings!

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